Patsy Allison

Bart Beard

Ray Benson

James & Eloyse Brewer

Sal Bronti’

Erin Trout Brown

Bobby Brunson

Byron Burns

Deanna Breland Byrd

Shirley Carpenter

Tim Cole

Rodney & Teresa Cross

Eunice Denman

Elaine Dodd’s NEW grandchild “Watts”

Mike “Catfish” Flautt

Jerry Freeman

Shirley Gobell

Kim Greer

Allen & Britney Hancock

Carol Hargett

Stacy Hargett

Linda Hardison (Carol Shook’s mother)

Barbara Herron

Anna Hodges

Elouise Jenkins-Tasha Bailey’s G’Aunt

Andrea Jones-Charlotte Richard’s daughter

Rose Kibbe and son Mike & daughter Tahne

Sandra Kendall (Carol Shook’s aunt)

Greg Knowles

Tammy Krick & son “Jesse”

Gail Lance

Nursing Home

Betty Buntin

Neva Dean Reece

William Rodgers

Janie Uselton

Tommy Young


Emily Lehigh-B. Breland

Don Ray Little

Jimmy Manues

Jean McBride

Pam McFerrin

Joe Mullen

Kevin Nelson

Bill Newton, Jr.

Shelbi Orrell

Sandra Peters

Michael Prine

Ann Reece

Doyle & Virginia Rippee

Steve Sanders

Carolyn Shook

Jamie & Mildred Shook

Floyd Simmons

Bill Smallwood and wife

Jared Snowden

Donald Wayne Staten

Tammy Sullivan

Doug Tackett

Hippy Todd

Ricky Walls

Keith Watson

Charlie & Lynda Williamson

Butch Willing

Andi Worsham

Billy Worsham

Eleanor Worsham



Prison Ministries

Charleston Recovery Center

The Grace Place

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People struggling with addictions and bondage