Patsy Allison

The Arendale Family

Ray Benson

James & Eloyse Brewer

Erin Trout Brown

David Brownlee

The family of Bobby Brunson

Miranda Bryant

Roy Burlingame

Deanna Breland Byrd

Shirley Carpenter

Robert Clolinger

Clovis Cole

Peggy Cole

Tim Cole

Jimmy Covington

Rodney & Teresa Cross

Elaine Dodd’s NEW grandchild “Watts”

Mike “Catfish” Flautt

Jerry & Laquetta Freeman (Renae’s parents)

Lawson Graves, Sr.

Kim Greer

Barbara Herron

Edye Herron (Barbara’s Sister-n-law)

Rose Kibbe and son Mike & daughter Tahne

Greg Knowles

Tammy Krick & son “Jesse”

Emily Lehigh-B. Breland

Ken “Denny” Lewis

Nursing Home

Betty Buntin

Neva Dean Reece

William Rodgers

Janie Uselton

Tommy Young              


Don Ray Little

Margie Marlowe

Tim and Martha McBrayer

Jean McBride

Pam McFerrin

Marni McKenzie

Hallie Moore

Kevin Nelson

Bill Newton, Jr.

Sandra Peters

Michael Prine

Ann Reece

Doyle & Virginia Rippee

David Roberson

Ginger Rose (Renae’s cousin)

Alice Selby

Carolyn Shook

Jamie & Mildred Shook

Floyd Simmons

Jared Snowden

Donald Wayne Staten

Doug Tackett

Beverly Taylor

Hippy Todd

Ricky Walls

Keith Watson

Charlie & Lynda Williamson

Butch Willing

Andi Worsham

Billy Worsham

Eleanor Worsham


Earthquake Victims


Prison Ministries

Charleston Recovery Center

The Grace Place

Our Country/Leaders/President

People struggling with addictions and bondage